1.1. Match Bingo (MB) Football Game is a random draw based on events occurring in televised professional football matches. The game is made available to players in the run-up to the start of Premier League or other matches that MB chooses to deliver to the player's designated mobile device via the MB App.
1.2. Each card costs upto £1 and pertains to one match only. Cards can be purchased through the MB App prior to kick-off, from credit previously established by the player in their MB accounts. Each card has a 3 x 5 grid of randomly selected events.
1.3. The game works from a near real-time Opta feed of the events occurring in a match, provided to MB by Stats Perform, an independent sports data company. The events shown in the card will be registered as occurring shortly after the data feed from Stats Perform for that event is received by MB. If the player completes a horizontal line of 5 events reported by the feed, or two horizontal lines of five events, or a full house (3 horizontal lines of five events), they may be eligible for a prize (see Prize section below).
1.4. Winners of standard prizes will be automatically notified within the MB App and paid within 10 working days, there is no need for the player to claim a win. Any major jackpot prizes will be paid directly to the players bank account upon, this may be subject to further AML and KYC checks by MB before any prize payment can be processed.
2.1. The game is only open to persons aged 18 years or over. Players setting up accounts to play MB must confirm that they are 18 years of age or over. MB may use the services of an outside agency to provide evidence that players are of the required age, disclosing your information to the outside agency for the sole purpose of getting such evidence. It is an offence for persons under the age of 18 to attempt to join the game.
2.2. All standard prizes are set at specified levels and there are no alternatives. The prizes per match are given for:
- Fastest Full House
- Fastest Two Lines
- Fastest Single Line
where 'Fastest' refers to the first completion on any card bought by any player of the match in question. If multiple players win any standard prize then the overall total of the prize will be split between the players.
2.3. In addition, jackpot prizes may be offered for the Fastest Full House, Two Lines or Single Line achieved over a number of matches or set time period. Such as a tournament or a monthly period of fixtures. If multiple players win jackpot prizes then the overall total of the prize will be split between the players.
2.4. For the purposes of any jackpot prizes referred to in clause 2.3, the 'fastest' will be determined by the minute of any period of the fixture, including any scheduled added time, during which the winning event occurs. For example if a winning pattern is completed in added time in the first half of a fixture (45+1,2,3 etc) this is deemed to be faster than a winning pattern completed early in the second half of a fixture in the 45th, 46th minute etc. MB’s decision as to which player completes a winning pattern first will be final.
2.5. MB reserves the right to change the prize structure as it sees fit. The applicable prize structure for any card will be that shown in the MB App at the time the match related to the card kicks off. A player no longer wishing to take part after a change in prize structure can withdraw all outstanding monies from their MB account.
2.6. Players are limited to a maximum of 5 cards per match. Players may not request to have specific events included on the cards they buy; the events will be distributed randomly.
2.7. A player wins by completing events on their cards in the patterns described in the prize structure above before any other player. An event will only be deemed to have occurred if the Stats Perform (or equivalent supplier) data feed records it as having occurred. If the Stats Perform (or equivalent supplier) feed recognises an event as occurring, and a player's card with that event is stamped, the stamp will endure even if Stats Perform (or equivalent supplier) later rescinds its decision. If a match is abandoned after cards for the match have been sold, players' MB accounts will be refunded. MB’s decision as to which player completes a winning pattern first will be final.
2.8. The winners' playing usernames may be published within the MB App and via push notification. The winners' playing usernames and locations may be published on the RTSB or MB websites at the discretion of MB.
2.9. All proceeds, after the deduction of prizes, expenses, and fees due to MB and MB partners shall be deemed as a donation to the charity or charities sponsoring the Football Bingo game.
2.10. A player will be able to purchase cards after a payment deposit has been made, the player has downloaded the MB App, and MB has created an account for the player. This process may take up to 5 working days.
2.11. No payments will be accepted by Credit Card, in line with Gambling Commission guidelines.
2.12. Any application for entry into the game may be rejected for any reason at the discretion of MB.
2.13. Any electronic bingo card may be terminated at the discretion of MB with any unused monies refunded.
3.1. From time to time, MB may offer players an auto-allocation service, in which MB purchases cards automatically for the players and deducts £1 per card from players’ accounts. For example, a player may want multiple cards per match featuring their favourite team to be bought automatically every time that team has a match. MB will only apply this service where the player has given consent beforehand, such as through a subscription management feature in the MB app.
3.2. MB will continue to auto-allocate cards on the terms agreed with the player until the player directs otherwise, or until the player’s account has insufficient funds.
3.3. If a player has agreed to auto-allocation but the player’s account has insufficient funds for it to be carried out, MB will send the player a notification informing them that necessary funds are not in the player’s account, and no cards will be bought until further funds are added.
1.1. Match Bingo (MB) is brought to you by Real Time Sports Bingo (RTSB) Limited, a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 10787789 and our registered office is at Venture House C/O Thorne Lancaster Parker, 27-29 Glasshouse Street 4th Floor, London, W1B 5DF. We operate the MB App.
1.2. If you would like to contact us or have any questions about these General Terms please contact Customer Support on email: support@matchbingo.co.uk
1.3. To participate in our Services, you will need to set up and register an account with us (see section 3 below) and as part of this exercise, you will be asked to tick a box to confirm that you accept these General Terms. By doing so, you agree to be bound by the terms when using the MB App and you will be entering into a legal contract with us (the “Contract”). The following terms also apply when you are using any of our MB Services:
1.3.1. Privacy Policy. This tells you how we use your data and what your rights are. You can find that here www.matchbingo.com/privacy-policy.html
1.3.2. Cookies. This contains information on our use of cookies. You can find that here www.matchbingo.com/privacy-policy.html
1.3.3. Individual game rules for the MB Football Game can be seen in the first section of this document under Rules for Play.
1.3.4. Specific event, competition, or promotion rules (together “Promotion Terms”). They will be made available to you before you participate in the relevant event, competition or promotion, and contain additional important information that you will need to agree to before participating in the relevant event, competition, or promotion In these General Terms, these documents together are referred to as our “Terms of Use” and will apply to our Contract.
1.4. We use many specific gaming terms and phrases in these General Terms. Please contact Customer Support on email: support@matchbingo.co.uk for more detail if required. We will not be responsible to you if you make any losses due to a lack of understanding of these terms.
1.5. These General Terms are current as of 26th July 2022 and they replace any previous version you may have been given.
Please read these General Terms carefully before you register an account with us and before you start playing any Games. You need to agree to these General Terms before using our services. If you do not agree with these General Terms, please do not use our Services.
2.1. By continuing to use our Services, you agree that we can infer that you continue to agree to our Terms of Use.
Sometimes we may need to change our Terms of Use. We can make changes to our Terms of Use at any time as described in this section
2.2. We can make changes at any time, if: we are required to do so to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements; to implement technical adjustments and improvements to the App and the services we make available to you.
2.3. In most cases, we would not expect these changes to materially impact your use and enjoyment of the App, and in those cases, we would not notify you of the relevant changes. If, however, in our reasonable opinion, the relevant change is likely to be to your detriment, we will seek to notify you of the relevant change by appropriate notice, for example, email to your provided email address. We advise you to check these General Terms frequently to ensure you are still in agreement.
2.4. You will be entitled to end the Contract between us if you do not agree with any changes we need to make to the services or our Terms of Use. Please contact us if you wish to close your account on support@matchbingo.co.uk
3.1. To be able to use our Services, you will need to open an account with us (the “Account”). You can do this via our website, a supporting charity’s website or the MB app. By opening an Account, you agree to be bound by our Terms of Use, including, without limitation, that you meet the relevant Eligibility Criteria (described in section 4) and that you have not and will not engage in any Prohibited Behaviour (described in section 5). We will be entitled to end our Contract and to close your account if you fail to meet these requirements.
3.2. When you open an Account you will need to choose your own password. It will be your responsibility to make sure it is kept private and secure at all times. If anyone other than you plays on your Account because they have discovered your details or you have not logged out, you will be held responsible, to the extent that this is due wholly or mainly to your act or omission, and we do not take any responsibility for any monies lost unless the loss results directly from our acts or failure to act. If you lose or forget your username and/or password, you can easily reset them. If you think someone else knows them and might use them, let us know straight away by emailing support@matchbingo.co.uk
3.3. You are only permitted to register one (1) Account with us.
4.1. In order to open an Account and play with us you must satisfy and continue to satisfy the following eligibility criteria:
4.1.1. You must be at least 18 years old and over the legal age for gambling (see section 6 – Proof of Age and Identity);
4.1.2. You must be resident in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, or Gibraltar (the “Permitted Locations”). Please note that we reserve the right to change the Permitted Locations by adding them to this list.
4.1.3. You must not be bankrupt or the equivalent anywhere in the world;
4.1.4. You must not have more than one Account registered in your name on the MB app;
4.1.5. You are not subject to Self-Exclusion (as defined in section 11);
4.1.6. You must not be prohibited from gambling by any term of your contract of employment or any rule of a sport governing body or other professional body which applies to you;
4.1.7. The details that you’ve given us when registering your Account, or when communicating with us about our Services, must be true, correct and complete. You must tell us if any of your details change as soon as possible. You can change your details in the “My Account” section of the MB app. If any debit card you use with us is ever lost, stolen or reissued, please contact Customer Support by emailing support@matchbingo.co.uk
4.1.8. You must only create the Account for your own personal use, and not allow your Account to be used by a betting operator. In addition, you are not permitted to allow another individual or organisation supplying data or services to a betting operator to access and/or use your Account. If we find that your Account is being used for business purposes (as described in this section 4.1.8), we have the right to close your Account and to end the Contract between us as described in section 10.
5.1. To use and access our Services, you are not permitted (and it is prohibited to):
5.1.1. Use money belonging to anyone else to play Games;
5.1.2. To spend money that you cannot afford;
5.1.3. Play with us if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs (whether legal, prescribed or illegal);
5.1.4. Work for MB or any of the suppliers of our gambling equipment and services;
5.1.5. When your bank or payment provider declines or refuses or is unable to process a payment or if you deny any of the transactions on your Account;
5.1.6. Use your Account for any Prohibited Activity, which includes, without limitation: “Prohibited Activity”, which means: any activity which could be considered to be fraudulent, dishonest or illegal including but not limited to:
identity fraud; payment fraud; abuse of our promotional bonuses and offers; money laundering; third party funding; forgery; using stolen or fraudulent payment details (credit/debit); collusion with other individuals where the relevant playing strategy is deliberately intended to abuse the relevant Game play; utilisation of software to gain an advantage during a Game; exploitation of loopholes within our software & functionality where the use of the software is deliberately used to abuse the relevant Game; any Promotional Play Restrictions as described in the relevant Promotion Terms. Whilst this list of Prohibited Activity represents a good example of what we consider to be Prohibited Activity, we reserve the right to deem other playing strategies and use of other types of technology as Prohibited Activity where we can demonstrate that you are deliberately and dishonestly applying those strategies and techniques with the purpose of abusing the way that we make the Services available to you;
5.1.7. If you do engage, or where we have reasonable grounds for suspecting that you are engaging in, Prohibited Behaviour, we will have the rights described in section 10;
5.1.8. If we consider that you are engaging in any Prohibited Behaviour, we will contact you to explain that we have considered the relevant behaviour and taken certain steps in response. You will be entitled to appeal our findings by contacting our Customer Support team. We are a regulated business, and we are required to comply with a number of legal and regulatory requirements when providing the Services to you.
6.1. You need to be over 18 years old to have an account with us. Underage gambling is a crime.
6.2. When you register an Account with us and make your first attempted deposit, we may use a third party to verify your age. If our verification checks are unsuccessful, you will have a maximum of 72 hours to verify your account, and we may contact you if this happens.
6.3. No deposits into or withdrawals from the Account will be permitted until your age has been verified. We may need to ask you for more details to prove your age, which may include you providing us with copies of your ID.
6.4. If we find out that you are underage, we’ll close your Account. Any money you deposited into your Account will be refunded and you will not be entitled to any winnings subject to receipt of adequate evidence.
6.5. To keep your money safe and to adhere to anti-money laundering laws and regulations we might ask to see your ID at any time or undertake verification checks as required by us or third parties (including, but not limited to, regulatory bodies). By agreeing to these General Terms, you are allowing us or our third parties to carry out such checks from time to time. You may also be required to provide additional details in respect of any information you have provided us, including in relation to any monies deposited into your Account. Please visit our Privacy Policy for more information.
6.6. Sometimes we might ask for some background information and proof of where your money comes from. There are a few reasons we might need to know:
6.6.1. We want to make sure you feel in control of your spending when you play with us;
6.6.2. Legally, we must show the money being spent with us is above board. So, if you spend higher amounts with us often, we might ask about it. This does not necessarily mean that we’re suspicious about you personally;
6.6.3. In some circumstances you may have to provide further information to us directly in order to complete our verification checks. We are entitled, at our sole discretion, to request a notarised ID, proof of address, utility bills, bank details, bank statements, and bank references, and any documentation that validates your source of funds;
6.6.4. Until such information has been supplied to our satisfaction, we may prevent any activity to be undertaken by you. Where we reasonably believe that deliberately incorrect information has been provided by you we may keep any amount deposited on the Account following the closure of your Account;
6.6.5. Furthermore, whilst we are undertaking any verification checks from time to time, we may prevent you from making withdrawals from your Account and/or prevent access to all or certain parts of the MB app;
6.6.6. Please note that we may from time to time re-perform the verification checks for regulatory, security, or other business reasons. If any such restrictions cause you a problem, please contact Customer Support by emailing support@matchbingo.co.uk
6.7. We take security very seriously. From time to time, we may do a random security check on your Account and keep records of your transactions. As part of these checks, we may need to see more of your ID or other information. We may close or suspend your Account and/or stop payments if we do not see it when we need to.
6.8. We may use the information you give to us to run anti-fraud checks. We may share this information with a credit reference or fraud prevention agency. They might keep a record of this information.
7.1. You should make your own decisions about spending with us and it is your responsibility to ensure you are comfortable making any decisions relating to any MB deposit and Game.
7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that the details of any Wager (which means a sum of money placed on a Game which has an uncertain outcome) that you place with us are made in accordance with the relevant Rules, which may set out additional restrictions on the amount of the Wager and any additional requirements.
7.3. Sometimes we might not let you Wager the amount you want. You cannot Wager more than is in your Account, or more than the amount specified in the relevant Rules.
7.4. When you place Wagers with us it can take a minute or longer for us to process the Wager. Our system needs to accept the Wager before it becomes a valid spend.
8.1. You can deposit money into your Account that can be used to play Games using any of the payment methods within the MB app or supported websites (“Deposit”).You may set deposit limits within your Account. Please visit the My Account section when logged in or contact any of our Customer Support agents for further details by emailing support@matchbingo.co.uk
8.2. You are not permitted to use your Account as a bank account. We do not pay interest on the money in your Account.
8.3. All Deposits will be available in Your Account as soon as your bank authorises the relevant transaction.
8.4. When using a debit card, or online payment service (e.g. PayPal), you must make sure that the name on the card or payment service is the same as the name used for setting up your Account.
8.5. The minimum Deposit is £1 (one pound sterling) as may be amended from time to time.
8.6. Where more than one payment method has been used on your Account we reserve the right to ensure that pay-outs are made in accordance with rules designed to minimise fraud. This means that we may need to make payments to the original payment method you used to make the relevant Deposit.
8.7. You agree not to allow your Account to be impacted by any chargebacks or reversals that may be imposed on you by your bank, or to otherwise take steps to cancel any Deposits that you have initiated. If your Account is impacted by such events, you agree to refund and compensate us for such unpaid Deposits including any reasonable expenses properly incurred by us in the process of collecting your Deposit.
8.8. You can withdraw money from your MB Account using any of the withdrawal methods within the MB app or supported websites. If you are encountering any issues with withdrawing money please contact any of our Customer Support agents for further details by emailing support@matchbingo.co.uk.
8.9. Where Withdrawal requests have been submitted, we reserve the right to hold these for approval before processing the request, but this will only be done for anti-fraud and money laundering purposes. Once we have processed the Withdrawal request, please note that all Withdrawals are subject to a clearance period determined by the card-issuing bank (normally 2-5 working days but sometimes (very rarely) can take up to 10 working days) or an online payment service (normally same day of processing).
8.10. All Withdrawals are subject to minimum and maximum Withdrawal levels
8.11. The following also applies to all Withdrawals:
8.11.1. All payments made into your Account have been confirmed as cleared and have not been rejected, reversed or otherwise cancelled;
8.11.2. We cannot pay money on some types of Mastercard. In these cases, we’ll pay you by bank transfer;
8.11.3. Some companies (e.g. Visa) put their own limits on Withdrawals. If you want to Withdraw more than their limit, please contact Customer Support by emailing support@matchbingo.co.uk
8.11.4. Any identity checks we are required to conduct pursuant to applicable anti-money laundering laws and regulations or other obligations are clear. To this end we reserve the right to seek such other information as we might require in order to confirm your identity and compliance with these General Terms and any other applicable rules, laws or regulations. Please also note that additional verifications may be required in connection with certain services which may cause an additional delay when making a Withdrawal. Please see section 6 above for information about how and when we may need to conduct identity checks from time to time;
8.11.5. You have complied in all material ways with the Terms of Use;
8.11.6. You accept that all transactions may be checked to prevent money laundering and that any transactions made by you which we deem suspicious may be reported to the appropriate authorities. We reserve the right to decline and/or reverse the Withdrawal of unspent or otherwise unused Deposits until the verification of these funds we deem satisfactory;
8.11.7. We can only transfer money into Accounts in your name. The Account must be based in a Permitted Location;
8.11.8. The first time you ask for a bank transfer we will need to see proof of your identity.
8.11.9. You may only withdraw to payment methods that are made available by MB.
8.12. As required by our anti-money laundering obligations and/or as part of our policy with regard to the source of funds placed on deposit, we reserve the right to raise queries regarding the source of any funds placed on Deposit. We may close an Account as described in section 10 and/or may pass on such information as we deem necessary to any relevant authority.
8.13. We do not charge you for Deposits or Withdrawals although you should check with your bank and/or other payment service provider as to whether they will levy any such charges. We do not allow any transfer of funds between our customers' Accounts.
8.14. Please note that you (and not MB) are responsible for reporting or declaring any Withdrawals, including any winnings, if such reporting is required by local law, tax or other authorities.
8.15. Any changes to your personal/card details must be advised to us as soon as is possible, as failure to do so may result in your Deposit being declined by your bank.
8.16. As well as informing your bank, please inform us as soon as is possible should your bank card be lost or stolen by contacting Customer Support via email to support@matchbingo.co.uk
8.17. If you or your bank advise us that your card has been lost or stolen, no further transactions will be accepted on your Account until you contact us with further instructions.
8.18. We reserve the right to withhold or refuse payment of any Prizes or bonuses (under a Promotion) in the event of funds you have deposited into your Account (including any sums you have Wagered) being cancelled or denied by any payment service.
9.1. Monies deposited by our customers to their online gaming Account will be held in a bank account which will be kept separate from our company funds, a ‘Client Bank Account’. This ensures there will always be sufficient funds for customers to Withdraw their balance.
9.2. We have taken measures to protect customer funds in the event of insolvency, but there is no absolute guarantee we will repay these funds.
9.3. This meets the Gambling Commission's requirements for the segregation of customer funds at the level: Medium Segregation.
9.4. Further information on the Gambling Commission’s ratings system can be found at: www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk
9.5. You agree and acknowledge that:
9.5.1. Funds sent to MB will be held on trust by MB for the named customer pending instructions to (i) apply towards a Game (where they will come out of the Account and be at risk as per any other amounts applied in Gaming) or (ii) to return the funds to the customer.
9.5.2. Funds will be held in a general customer funds account together with Deposits from other customers. Any amounts held in that Account from time to time will be held on trust for the relevant customer, and our determination of the amounts due to each customer from that Account will be conclusive.
9.5.3. There is no guarantee that customers will get their money back on insolvency, but MB acknowledges that the funds in that account are not MB monies and are held on trust by MB for the relevant customers
10.1. We can close or suspend (as appropriate) your Account at any time which will mean that our Contract will end automatically, in the following circumstances:
10.1.1. If we have reasonable grounds for doing so. We’ll always try to let you know if we decide to close your Account;
10.1.2. If we decide that we will no longer be offering the Services via our app;
10.2.3. If you break any relevant laws;
10.2.4. If you significantly fail to comply with any of our Terms of Use;
10.2.5. If we think you are or have engaged in any Prohibited Activity;
10.2.6. If you fail to meet the Eligibility Criteria;
10.2.7. If we discover that you are accessing the Services from a location outside of the Permitted Location;
10.2.8. If we have reasonable grounds to believe that you have become bankrupt;
10.2.9. If you fail to provide us with such age and identity verification evidence that we request from time to time;
10.2.10. If we discover that you are using your Account for business purposes;
10.2.11. If the level of Deposits and Withdrawals (see sections 7 and 8) does not correspond to a reasonably anticipated volume of play, which may indicate an Account is being used for money laundering purposes. This includes and shall not be limited to making Deposits and Withdrawals with minimal play but without a similar level of corresponding play;
10.2.12. If we discover that you have more than one Account open with us, we will close any additional Accounts that you have;
10.2.13. If where the response to any query raised in relation to section 8.14 does not, in our reasonable opinion, prove satisfactory;
10.2.14. If we discover that the payment instrument you use to make Deposits does not match the name on your Account (we may also cancel any associated Wagers).
10.3. We can suspend your Account at any time for any of those reasons described in the General Terms of Use
10.4. If we close your Account because of something you have done, this means that you will no longer be able to access the MB app or your Account. We might take the money in your Account and we might try to claim back any pay-outs, bonuses or winnings. The response will depend on the reason why we have taken steps to close or suspend your Account.
10.5. If we close your Account because you have failed to meet the Eligibility Criteria, we may remove the balance of your Account and take any bonuses or winnings from your Account if you fail to meet the Eligibility Criteria.
10.6. If we close your Account or suspend your Account because we think you have engaged in any Prohibited Activity, we will be entitled to withhold any or all winnings which would otherwise be payable to you and share information (together with your identity) with the police and other appropriate authorities. In addition, we may not be required to refund any money in your Account.
10.7. If we close your Account for another reason, it won’t affect any outstanding Wagers, as long as those Wagers are valid, and you aren’t breaking the Terms of Use in any way.
10.8. To avoid any doubt, we won’t credit any bonuses into your Account after the date your Account has been closed.
10.9. If we do suspend your Account:
10.9.1. you won’t be able to play or make any Deposits or Withdrawals until we reactivate it;
10.9.2. No bonuses or winnings will be credited to your Account; and
10.10 We’ll try and deal with the reason your Account has been suspended as quickly as possible so that it can either be reactivated or closed, depending on the issue.
10.11. If you have qualified for a Promotion and made one or more qualifying Wagers, we will (unless we are unable to do so for a practical or legal reason) let you receive the Promotion, or the full expected value of the Promotion, before we close your Account.
10.12. If we close or suspend your Account for any of the reasons referred to in this section, you will be responsible to us for any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses incurred or suffered by us (together “Claim”) arising as a result of or in connection with your fraud, dishonesty or criminal act and you agree to fully compensate us for any costs, charges or losses sustained or incurred by us (including any losses (whether they are foreseeable or not) including any loss of profit and any loss of reputation) in respect of such Claims.
11.1. If you want to take a break from gaming you can ask us to stop you playing and prevent you from accessing the MB App (“Self-Exclusion” or “Self-Exclude”). You can ask for a break for at least six (6) months up to 5 years. We can extend your Self-Exclusion on request, for one or more further periods of at least 6 months. During the Self-Exclusion period you will not be able to access your Account and will be unable to reactivate it under any circumstances until the expiry period has ceased.
11.2. You can ask to Self-Exclude by emailing Customer Support on support@matchbingo.co.uk or go to self-exclusion in the My Account section of the MB App. Please tell us your full name, address and date of birth when you contact Customer Support.
11.3. If you are considering Self-Exclusion, you may wish to register with GAMSTOP. GAMSTOP is a free service that enables you to Self-Exclude from all online gambling companies licensed in Great Britain. To find out more and to sign up with GAMSTOP please visit www.gamstop.co.uk
11.4. We cannot be held responsible for any loss that you may suffer as a result of an act or omission of GAMSTOP. If you have any problems with the GAMSTOP service, please contact them directly.
11.5. If you wish to re-open your Account after the Self-Exclusion period has ended, you can do so by contacting our Customer Support Team on support@matchbingo.co.uk. After confirming you are happy to re-open your Account, you must enter a 24-hour cooling off period, after which, if you are still comfortable to re-open your Account, Customer Support will do this for you.
11.6. Whilst we endeavour to ensure compliance with any Self- Exclusion, Self-Exclusion requires the joint commitment of both you and us. During the Self-Exclusion period you must not attempt to try to open new Accounts and you accept that we have no liability whatsoever if you continue gambling and/or seek to use the MB App and we fail to recognise that you have requested Self-Exclusion in circumstances which are beyond our reasonable control including, but not limited to, opening a new Account or using a different name or address.
11.7. We have the facility through the MB App for you to track the time you spend gambling – you have the option to set a session or game-play duration reminder prior to game play. If you reach the allocated time you must acknowledge the check before it will be removed from screen and you will have the option to exit the session.
11.8. You have the option to set a Deposit limit on your Account, which includes a limit over a period of 24 hours, 7 days and one month (however you chose to set this). You will not be able to deposit an excess of the amount chosen until the period has ceased.
12.1. If you wish to make a complaint about us you should contact Customer Support via email on support@matchbingo.co.uk
12.2. Let us know about your complaint as soon as possible. If you are complaining about a Game, you need to let us know within 7 days of the original transaction.
12.3. If you are not happy with how we try to settle your complaint you can ask for it to be looked into by our escalations team.
12.4. If you remain unhappy you can escalate your complaint to an alternative dispute resolution service (ADR). The ADR helps resolve disputes between customers and businesses. You can file a complaint with them and they will work with both of us to find a resolution You can contact the ADR on their website: www.ibas-uk.com
13.1. You acknowledge that the bingo cards you receive to enable you to play games through the MB app will be randomly assigned, and you accept the outcomes of all such games. You agree that our records will be the final authority in determining the terms and circumstances of your participation in the relevant online gaming activity, and the results of this participation.
13.2. We will only use your personal information as set out in our Privacy Policy.
13.3. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under the contract.
13.4. You are not able to transfer your rights or your obligations under the Terms of Use to another person.
13.5. This Contract is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.
13.6. Each of the sections of these General Terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining sections will remain in full force and effect.
13.7. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these Terms of Use, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this Contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date.
13.8. Our Terms of Use are governed by the laws of England and you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Services in the English courts. If you live in Scotland you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Services in either the Scottish or the English courts. If you live in Northern Ireland you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Services in either the Northern Irish or the English courts.